Sunday, 12.22.2024
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(Jan 3, 2006 � Feb 28, 2006)


1. The Elephant Variation, by Fernando Castro-Chavez. Tuesday, January 03, 2006

2. Common Patterns in the Ancient World, their Pyramids and gods. Wednesday, January 04, 2006

3. Three Rivers and Six Fingers Thrice, by Fernando Castro-Chavez. Friday, January 06, 2006

4. Incan Khipus Defy Computer Analysis. Saturday, January 07, 2006

5. The Intelligent Design of Nick Anderson's Cartoons. Sunday, January 08, 2006

6. The Dolphin Variation, by Fernando Castro-Chavez. Tuesday, January 10, 2006

7. Intelligent Design in 'Achilles', a Song by Atom (feat. Redeemed Thought). Wednesday, Jan 11, 2006

8. Mending Faulty Genes. Thursday, January 12, 2006

9. Back to Normal: Natural Reverse Mutations. Friday, January 13, 2006

10. A Hero For The Ages. Saturday, January 14, 2006

11. The Laupala Cricket Variation, by Fernando Castro-Chavez. Monday, January 16, 2006

12. Intelligent Design Discovered in Flies and in the Bees Flying Code. Wednesday, January 18, 2006

13. My last comments on the Laupala cricket variation, by Fernando Castro-Chavez. Wed, Jan 25, 2006

14. The Cichlid Variation, by Fernando Castro-Chavez. Thursday, January 26, 2006

15. The fingerprints of Shannon Melendi versus Colvin "Butch" Hinton III, her killer. Fri, Jan 27, 2006

16. The Maggot (Rhagoletis Fly) Variation, by Fernando Castro-Chavez. Fri, Jan 27, 2006

17. The New 27 Cave Bugs, by Fernando Castro-Chavez. Fri, Jan 27, 2006

18. More Images for The Discovery of New Organisms, by Fernando Castro-Chavez. Thur, Feb 2, 2006

19. Cave-Dwellers Known Since 1966, by Fernando Castro-Chavez, Fri, Feb 03, 2006

20. More Adaptive Comparisons of Cave Animals, by Fernando Castro-Chavez, Fri, Feb 03, 2006

21. The Adaptations of the Cave Fish, by Fernando Castro-Chavez, Friday, February 03, 2006

22. Humans Were Living Here Before the 'Classic' Neanderthals, Tue, Feb 07, 2006

23. Today's News, 17 Pictures From Indonesia's New Organisms, Tue, Feb 07, 2006

24. The Evolutionist Racketeering: Compatible Ancestry sold as Common Descent

25. Intelligent Design for Progress

26. Our Constitutional Intelligent Design

27. Intelligent Design in Nature

28. Bad Speculations and Bad Interpretations

29. Variation and Genetic Compatibility vs. Darwinism

30. Teleology in Biology

31. Design in Biology

32. The arrogance of Darwin�s physical and intellectual family tree

33. E. O. Wilson and his �Darwinian Fairytales�

34. By Design, Newsweek fails to tell the truth about Finches

35. The Fraud of Evolution: Variation sold as Speciation

36. From �Walking the Bible,� �The Israelites in Egypt� (A New Year�s Special)

37. Songs of Salvation (Special for the 14th of February)

38. Intelligent Design�s Prediction: Compatible Mates Interbreed Producing Fertile Offspring

39. Eulogy to Henry Morris, his contribution to the study of Biological Variation, Tue. Feb. 28, 2006.

40. Previous Index # 2

41. Previous Index # 1

Tasters of the Word (YouTube), videos recientes: "Astronom�a y Nacimiento de Jesucristo: Once de Septiembre A�o Tres A.C.", "Estudio sobre Sanidades" (en 20 episodios), "Jesus Christ, Son or God?":

Tasters of the Word (the blog, with: "Astronomy and the Birth of Jesus Christ"):

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